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In order to graduate in the Honors Program you must complete the following:

For students entering the program 2019-2020 and after:

  1. Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 as Freshmen and 3.2 as Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors. Students whose GPA falls below Honors requirements are placed on probationary status in the program. Students on probationary status must bring their GPA up to Honors requirements within 1 semester to remain in the Honors Program.
  2. Take at least one Honors class each semester (not counting seminar) until you have earned 18 Honors credit hours (approximately six 3-credit courses). For students transferring into the university with 60 credit hours or more, 12 Honors credit hours are required.
  3. ***Take 6 credit hours of Honors Seminar (HONR 300) unless you have an irreconcilable class conflict such as internships, clinicals, and co-operative learning experiences.  If you cannot attend please contact the office via email ( to receive a waiver from seminar.  Transfer students entering with 60 hours are expected to take 2 credit hours of seminar.
  4. Complete a research or creative project and display a poster created from the project at the Honors Cording Ceremony prior to Graduation. The Honors Program will provide directions for the poster (including templates) and print the poster. (See Senior Project for additional assistance.)
  5. Report any change of major, address, or telephone to the Honors Office. Update your Honors Information Card each Fall semester.
  6. Abide by the Honors Code of Conduct (in Student Handbook.)

Honors Activity Fee Per Semester is $35